I had a day today that made me realize just how happy I am with my life. I have amazing friends, though it may not be a big pool... it's quality. I've worked hard on several things in my life lately; they include improving myself, having meaningful relationships, learning about the world, being open-minded and more recently, being a good teacher. I thought for a while that I wasn't doing so well... I thought maybe I needed to change my strategy. But I had an interesting day today, an emotional day to say the least... multiple interesting conversations blew me away today.
And all of the sudden I realized that I am so happy. And I am proud of myself. I haven't really felt like this ever... or it's been a while. I am going to revel in this moment until I find something else to improve. I realized something else today... I am so lucky. No scratch that, I am so blessed. I don't think that I know what "blessed" really means because I think that it implies a gift from god and I don't know if that is what this is. But in any case, I have a loving and supportive family, two of the best friends that a girl could have, I live in Korea just cause I want to, I meet new and interesting people everyday... I can go on and on.
Wow. That's all I have to say. I feel so at peace. Thank you to everyone in my life who has helped me to become the person that I am. Thank you for your support and your love. Thank you for those people who have made me cry and those who have made me laugh. Thank you to everyone who has impacted my life. I like me, and it's because of you.